Crate Training & Puppy Play
Crate and Early Training at home
Our puppies routinely learn about crate training with Mamas, Great-Gannies and Aunties. All these crates are open 24 hours a day for pups and big dogs to wander into and use like a den. No-one is locked in or harmed by crate training which makes it easier to do car trips to the vet, air flights if you dont live in Canberra etc. Our euipment is up to 20 years old but safe and well chewed by litters of pups in the past.
No puppy is left in a crate by itself and all crates have their door open all the time. Mothers, Aunties and other Japanese Spitz use these crates as "dens" to spend time by themselves. When the pups are in the crates, they get many visitors who come to puppy-sit while Mother is outside having time-out or just going to the loo.
pups on
All crates have door doors open 24 hours a day.
The picture in the top paragraph is of Mum with the pups. The second picture (same crate, same pups) is of great grandma giving succour to pups while Mum is outside.
The Picture on the left is of the same pups in their regular bed
The photo below is of auntie IZY babysitting her niece in 2009 - same crate different pup, different auntie. I think Izy really wanted to lie on the pink cushion, but the puppy joined her and went to sleep.
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Pups also spend much time outside playing in the garden, socialising with one another & learning to play & share toys.

Pictures taken 31 August 2010 - playing out in the garden
Photos taken 22 September 2101

Picture of pup leaving home at the airport
Photo of pup at the airport prior to shipment interstate - quite happy to be in a crate because of the early crate training